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Na zabezpečenie zvyšovania konkurencieschopnosti a hospodárskeho rastu realizujeme projekt s podporou Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja - Zlepšenie konkurencieschopnosti spoločnosti na trhu prostredníctvom nových výrobných technológii.


Company TITAN-tatraplast, s.r.o. was created in the year 2006 as the youngest member of TITAN Group, which consists from six companies and act on the Slovak and Czech market with plastic materials. Main aim of the company is complex satisfying of needs of customer who is oriented on semiproducts in form of sheets, rods and plastic profiles including accessories that are needed for troublefree montage and  long-life service of purchased plastic components. Free delivery of purchased materials in a short delivery time as well as free customer service for choosing or aplication of an adequate type of plastic is certainty.

Free transport of purchased material in SR area
Free technical advisory service
Formatting on exact size
How to correctly choose a product?
What size is needed?
When in purchase better than repair?

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